#0 Help on Help This is the help information window. From here, you can use the vertical arrow keys to scroll the displayed information up and down. [Pg Up] and [Pg Dn] move the text up or down by a page, [Home] moves to the start of the text, and [End] moves to the end of the text. When you have finished reading, press [Esc] to return to Launch in the position you left off. Mouse users can click on the buttons [Pg Up], [Pg Dn], [Home], [End] or [Esc] for the same effect as pressing that key. 0.1 User ID Enter your User ID in the space provided. A User ID uniquely identifies each user when they log on, and is usually the user's initials or their first name. If you enter the wrong User ID, press [Ctrl- Backspace] to erase the old entry and enter a new one. 0.2 Unrecognised User ID If Launch tells you that your User ID is invalid, this means that the system has no information regarding your security status. If nothing works, try entering a blank for both the User ID and the password - you may be given restricted access. If all else fails, talk to your system supervisor. 0.3 Password Enter your user password in this field. If you have forgotten your password, talk to your system supervisor. Good Passwords Bad Passwords FREX ^@!8/+( ZANTU 1%B]{& 0.4 Using Launch If an item has a highlighted letter (hot key), that key may be pressed to access that menu item directly (without moving to it and pressing [Enter]). [Up] Moves up one menu item (jumping over any dividers, and if at the top of the menu, it wraps around to the last menu item) [Down] Moves down one menu item [Home] Moves to the first menu item [End] Moves to the last menu item [Pg Up] Moves up six items [Pg Dn] Moves down six items [Enter] If the cursor is positioned over a MENU (a menu is indicated by an arrow to its right), this displays the next menu. If the cursor is positioned over an OPTION, this EXECUTES the option under the cursor [Right] Same as [Enter], except it does not allow an OPTION to be executed [Esc] Returns you to the previous menu if there is one. If there is no previous menu, you are given the option to exit [Left] Same as [Esc], except does not allow you to exit [F10] Displays the Command menu. The commands allow you to customise the look and operation of Launch. Depending on your privileges, certain commands may be hidden - this means that they are unavailable [F1] Displays context-sensitive help for the operation you are performing [Ctrl-F1] If it has been defined, this displays user-defined help for the item under the cursor [Ctrl-Home] Returns the cursor to the first menu 0.5 Editing While editing, the following keys can be used : [Left] moves the cursor left [Right] moves the cursor right [Delete] removes the character that is under the cursor [Backspace] removes the character to the left of the cursor [Insert] toggles between insert/overwrite mode [Home] moves to the start of the field [End] moves to the end of the field [Ctrl-Left] moves the cursor one word left [Ctrl-Right] moves the cursor one word right [Ctrl-Backspace] clears the entire field If there is more than one field to edit, the following keys may also be used: [Up], [Shift-Tab] previous field [Down], [Tab] next field Entering Extended Characters If you wish to enter a character that is not accessible via the keyboard, first find its decimal equivalent from an ASCII chart. Then, while holding the [Alt] key down, type in the character's decimal equivalent on the NUMERIC KEYPAD, and then release [Alt]. #1 1.00 Select Item to Edit You have chosen Edit from the Command menu rather than by pressing [F9] directly. When you do this, Launch allows you to choose which item you would like to edit, rather than editing the item underneath the cursor bar at the time [F9] was pressed. This facilitates the editing of divider bars, because normally the cursor bar cannot move onto a divider bar. All normal cursor bar movement keys can be used here, except [Esc], which is used to abort the editing process. When the cursor bar is positioned over the item you would like to edit, press [F9]. Editing Batch Commands When editing an option, pressing [F9] (a second time: the first press being to invoke Edit) causes Launch to invoke the text editor. The editor allows you to modify the batch file associated with the option. The commands in the batch file cause the option to be executed. Once these instructions have been edited and saved by the text editor, and you have exited from the text editor, Launch will be re-displayed. If you made no changes to the batch file, the edit window will still be displayed, but if you did save the batch file from within the editor, all changes will be saved. 1.01 Title The title of a menu item appears in the menu window, and is used to provide the user with a description of that item. If you wish to exit without changing the title, press [Esc]. A title may specify a hot key (a unique key which can be pressed to access the item directly from within the same menu window) by placing a carat ^ in front of the character to be the hot key. eg. ^File Manager The letter "F" of the title would appear in a different colour, and the associated program can be accessed simply by pressing [F], in addition to moving the cursor bar over the item and pressing [Enter]. Multiple hot keys may be defined simply by using more than one carat eg ^1 ^File ^Manager has the hot keys "1","F" and "M". Note: The title of a divider bar is not allowed to have a hot key. If there is a carat ^ in a divider bar's title, it is displayed literally. 1.02 Short Cut A short cut is a special key combination that will access a menu item from anywhere within the menu structure. If you press the short cut of a option, execution of that option will occur. If you press the short cut of a menu, the cursor bar will be positioned in that menu. If an item has a short cut, this is indicated either by a small circle in the left margin of the menu, or the short cut is displayed on the right hand side of the menu window (Depending on the setting of “Show short cuts” in the Options window). The short cut is always shown on the status line when you move the cursor bar over that item. Pressing [F10] while editing this field brings up a list of available and used short cuts. You can only utilise the short cuts of the items you have the authority to access. Launch allows the following short cuts to be used : F3..F8 Ctrl-Home Ctrl-A..Ctrl-Z (except Ctrl-M), Ctrl-F2..Ctrl- F10 Alt-A..Alt-Z, Alt-0..Alt-9, Alt--, Alt-=, Alt- F1..Alt-F10 Shift-F1..Shift-F10 1.03 Password This field specifies the item's password. In order to access this item (run, edit, move, copy, delete) the user must know (and provide) the password. The supervisor may choose to bypass entering the password by pressing [F9]. This enables them to delete items that they have forgotten the password of, and access items given a password by other people. 1.04 Authority This specifies the minimum authority level required before access to this item is granted. A user with an authority level less than that specified will not see the item ie it is totally removed from the menu window. An authority level of 99 (the highest) indicates supervisor status. 1.05 Link Path This field specifies the directory in which the structure to be linked resides. For example, if you wished to link a structure in D:\LOTUS\DATA then you would place D:\LOTUS\DATA in the link path field. The AutoBuild facility may also be used to fill in this and the following field. 1.06 Link Number This field specifies which of the structures in the link path should be linked into the current structure. The link number can be any integer between 0 and 99, corresponding to structures M_STRUCT.D00 through M_STRUCT.D99. If this field is left blank, it is interpreted as a 0. The AutoBuild facility may also be used to fill in this and the previous field. 1.07 Automatic Link When enabled, this toggle field causes Launch to automatically read in the structure specified by this link. When disabled, the linked structure is only loaded on demand ie when the user accesses the link. The short cuts of a linked structure without automatic link enabled are inaccessible until that linked structure is loaded. Pressing [Space] toggles the value, and pressing [Y] or [N] changes the value to Yes or No. 1.08 Incorrect authority level You cannot give an item an authority level higher than your own, otherwise you would not be able to access it in the future. 1.09 Overwrite commands? Using AutoBuild will replace any commands that were previously associated with this option. Press [Y] if you wish to replace these commands with those created by the AutoBuild command, or press [N] to keep the old commands and cancel AutoBuild. 1.10 AutoBuild:Program Directory Choose the drive and directory that contains the application you are adding to the menu. Drives/directories with a plus sign [+] at their left indicate that more directories may exist that are not presently shown - select the drive or directory and press [+],[=] or [Enter] to expand it one level. A drive or directory display may be collapsed by selecting it and pressing [-]. Choose the directory that contains the application to be added by double clicking on it with the mouse cursor. 1.11 AutoBuild:Choose Application This window shows the executable programs in the directory you have chosen. Select which executable file runs the application you are adding (by double clicking on it with the mouse or highlighting it and pressing [Enter]), AutoBuild will then create appropriate commands to run that application. The option will then be saved. 1.12 AutoBuild:Link Path Choose the drive and directory that contains the structure you wish to link. Drives/directories with a plus sign [+] at their left indicate that more directories may exist that are not presently shown - select the drive or directory and press [+],[=] or [Enter] to expand it one level. A drive or directory display may be collapsed by selecting it and pressing [-]. Choose the directory that contains the structure to be linked by double clicking on it with the mouse cursor. 1.13 AutoBuild:Link Number This window shows the menu structures in the directory you have chosen. Select the structure that you wish to link (by double clicking on it with the mouse or highlighting it and pressing [Enter]), AutoBuild will then place the appropriate link path and link number in the Edit window. You can then make further changes or save the link. #2 2.00 Positioning the New Item When you have positioned the new item where you want it, press [Insert]. All cursor bar movement keys operate as normal - except [Esc], which exits without adding a new item. To move into a menu, position the new item immediately above it, then press [Enter] or [Right]. To move to the previous menu, press [Left] or [Back space] (not [Esc]). 2.01 Item type Select the type of menu item to add : [D]ivider the item will become a horizontal line which can be used to divide your menu windows up into related items. [L]ink the item will become a link to another structure. This has the effect of placing an entire structure from another directory into the current menu, making it look like a menu. [M]enu the item will be able to contain other items within it [O]ption the item will be capable of executing any command Press [Esc] to exit without adding a new item. #3 3.00 Delete Item Using the cursor bar movement keys, highlight the menu item that you wish to delete, and press [Delete]. If you do not wish to delete anything, press [Esc]. Note: When you choose to delete a divider bar, Launch will not ask for confirmation - it will remove it immediately. 3.01 Confirmation Launch wishes you to confirm that you really wish to delete the item specified. If you don't want to delete the item, press [Esc] or [N]o. Otherwise, confirm your choice by pressing [Y]es (Or click on the appropriate button). Note : Since Launch requires at least one item per menu, if you try to delete the sole remaining item from a menu, it will create a blank option within that menu. #4 4.00 Move Item Use the cursor bar movement keys to move the menu item under the cursor bar to a new position. The left arrow key will take you to the previous menu (or click on the offset left arrow on the status line). To move into a menu, position the cursor bar ABOVE the menu's item in the menu window and press [Enter] or [Right]. You can also press the hot key of a menu. When the item is in the correct position, press [F2] to save the changes. Press [Esc] to cancel the operation, and return the item to its original position. Move can be used to change the position of entire menus (not just options), and it can also be used to move options or menus between structures. Note: Since Launch requires at least one item per menu, if you try to move the sole remaining item out of a menu, it will create a blank option within that menu. #5 5.00 Move Window Use the arrow keys to move the menu window to a new position. [Up] [Home] ^ [Pg Up] \ + / \+/ [Left] <---+---> [Right] /+\ / + \ [End] V [Pg Dn] [Down] When you have done this, press [F2] to save the menu window in its new position, or press [Esc] to return it to its previous position. If you are using a mouse, point the mouse cursor where you would like the window's upper left corner, and click the mouse button. Alternatively, hold the mouse button while you drag the menu window around the screen. #6 6.00 Scheme The Scheme menu contains a list of screen elements whose attributes may be modified. Highlight the element you wish to modify, and then press [Enter]. You will find yourself in a similar window to the first, allowing a further narrowing of your choice. After two menu levels, a selection window will appear from which you can select the new attribute of the element you have chosen. Other commands available from the Scheme window: [F2] leaves the Scheme menu, saving the changes with your user information [Esc] leaves the Scheme menu without saving. The current scheme will be used on a temporary basis, and when you exit Launch, you will be asked if you wish to save the changes 6.01 Selection Window The selection window allows you to change either the colour or texture that is ascribed to the element you are changing. [Left] [Right] alters the foreground colour independently of the background colour [Up] [Down] alters the background colour independently of the foreground colour [C]ycle cycles the colours. This has the same effect as pressing the right arrow key except that a two second delay is inserted between each colour change. Cycling ceases when you press [Space]. Cycle allows you to sit back and view every colour combination, stopping at the one you like best Once you have found the selection that you want, press [Enter] or click on "[Ret] to modify" on the status line. If you want to discard any changes you have made, press [Esc]. 6.02 Shadows The way that Launch displays shadows may be chosen from amongst five different methods: (a) None no shadows are displayed (b) Left,clear characters in the shadow region (below and left of windows) are "dimmed" (c) Left,[texture] characters in the shadow region are replaced by the "shadow" texture (d) Right,clear as for (b), except the shadow region is below and right of windows (e) Right,[texture] as for (c), except shadow region is below and right of windows 6.03 Load Scheme Load Scheme allows you to retrieve a complete definition of Launch's colours and textures. If you have not saved your current scheme, you will be prompted to do so before loading a new one. Once invoked, use the vertical arrow keys to select the Scheme you wish to load and then press [Enter] (or just press its number). As you move through the list, the presentation of Launch will change to show you what scheme you are loading. Press [Esc] to exit without loading a scheme. 6.04 Save Scheme Save Scheme allows you to save a complete definition of Launch's colours and textures. Once invoked, use the vertical arrow keys to select the Scheme you wish to save over and then press [Enter] (or just press its number). As you move through the list, Launch's presentation will change to show you what you are going to save over. Once you have pressed [Enter], you can give your scheme a name. Press [Enter] once you have done this to save the scheme. Press [Esc] at any stage to exit without saving a scheme. 6.05 EGA/VGA Palette This command allows you to alter the colours available in Launch. On a VGA (Video Graphics Array), this allows you to select 16 of 262,144 colours; on an EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adapter) you can select 16 of 64 colours. In addition, you may also select whether to use an extra 8 background colours, or to have blinking enabled. The screen border colour can also be set. At the left of the palette window is a table showing all possible colour combinations. Select which one you would like to alter using [Up] and [Down], and then press [Tab] or [Shift-Tab], or click on it with the mouse. You can then increase or decrease the red, green and blue components of each palette entry. Press [Up] and [Down] to change which component of colour you are altering. Change the amount of that component using [Left], [Right], [Home] and [End], or by using the mouse. [Tab], [Shift-Tab] toggles between the colour table and the component table [T] toggles between blinking and extra background colours [D] uses DOS's default value for that palette entry [R] restores the previous value for palette entry [Enter] returns to the scheme menu [Esc] returns to the scheme menu, discarding any changes Any changes to the palette are saved under the Save Scheme command. The normal DOS palette is restored after leaving Launch. 6.06 Save current scheme? You have made changes to the current scheme, and Launch wishes to know if you want to save those changes before loading a new scheme. If you don't, the changes you have made will be lost (they won't be recorded with your user information). #7 7.00 Information The Information window provides statistics regarding your system and Launch. Licensed to who owns this copy of Launch User ID the User ID of the person currently logged on User Name the User Name of the person currently logged on Current Directory the path that DOS is currently using Current Structure where the currently displayed menu window comes from. In a system with linked menu structures, this is sometimes of help Free Disk Space how much space remains on the active drive Printer Status the current status of the printer, from DOS's point of view (so the displayed information may not be fully correct) Disconnected not connected to the computer Turned Off has not been switched on Online ready to print Offline not ready to print Paper Out requires paper Busy already printing Error error of some description #8 8.00 Preferences The Preferences command allows you to customise various features of Launch. The Preferences window contains a list of descriptions of the features which can be customised. Select the feature that you wish to customise by moving the cursor onto it (using the cursor keys [Up], [Down], [Home] and [End]), and then press [Enter] or [Right] or the feature's hot key. A new window will appear that allows you to change the configuration of that feature. To return to the Command menu from the Preference window, press [F2] to save any changes, or [Esc] to continue without saving the current settings (the choice to save any settings will be given before the user exits Launch). 8.01 Date Display This controls the way in which the current date is displayed. 8.02 Time Display This controls the way in which the current time is displayed. 8.03 Show Day of Week? This controls whether or not the day of the week is displayed by Launch. 8.04 Show Short Cuts? This controls whether or not menu item's short cuts are displayed in their menu window. If not, a small dot is placed on the left of any menu item that has a short cut. 8.05 Exit short cut The exit short cut is a quick way for you to leave Launch. It is very similar to a normal short cut that you might put on an option or a menu. When you press the exit short cut during normal menu operations (if present, it is displayed beside Exit in the Command menu), you will immediately exit Launch, bypassing the normal confirmation window. Of course, if you have changed your preferences, you will be asked to save them before exiting. 8.06 Header line The header line contains information that you specify. It may be your company or division name, or just some information that you want on- screen. 8.07 Mouse Button Function This controls the function of the mouse buttons. It allows the function normally associated with the buttons to be swapped. This is useful if you are left-handed, or if you are used to having the buttons perform opposite functions. 8.08 Change password This allows you to change your user password. Firstly, enter your current password so that the system can confirm that you are who it thinks you are (the current user). Then type your new password. After entering it the first time, you will be asked to re-enter your new password to confirm that you have entered exactly what you think you have entered. Your password will then be saved automatically. 8.09 Screen Save Time-Out This controls the amount of time that Launch will wait before activating the screen saver. The screen saver blacks out the screen to prevent the phosphor from "burning in" to a particular image which is displayed for an extended period of time. If no key has been pressed and no mouse movement has occurred within the specified time period (1 to 99 minutes), the screen save will be activated. Until a key is pressed or mouse movement occurs, a message is moved around the screen, indicating that a key should be pressed in order to re-activate the screen. A new time-out value may be entered directly, or the [Up] and [Down] keys may be used to increase or decrease the current value. Press [Enter] to accept the current value, or press [Esc] to leave it as it was. A value of 0 prevents screen-save from occurring. Note: Screen save only functions while in Launch, and is turned off during cycling. #9 9.00 User Accounts User accounts allows you to change the access privileges of Launch's users. [Enter] Edits the user's information [Insert] Inserts a new user record (at the end of the list). The new user's scheme, preferences and access privileges are a copy of the currently highlighted one [Delete] Deletes the user shown if it is not the current user ie your own! [Up] Moves up one user [Down] Moves down one user [Pg Up] Moves up one page [Pg Dn] Moves down one page [Home] Moves to the first user [End] Moves to the last user [Esc] Returns to the Command menu The User Accounts window displays each user's ID and name, and a tick is shown to the right of their name if they have an authority level of 99 (ie are a supervisor). 9.01 User ID This field determines the unique ID that this user will use to identify themselves when logging on. It is usually the user's initials or their first name. 9.02 User Name This field fully identifies the user, giving their full name. 9.03 Password This field specifies the user's password. Only those with the correct password can gain access to Launch. When the cursor is not on this field, it appears as a string of ampersands ("@") so that a casual glance will not reveal the password. 9.04 Authority This specifies the user's authority level. It controls which menu items are visible to them. If a user has an authority less than that of a menu item, that item will be removed from the menu window. An authority level of 99 (the highest) indicates supervisor status, and controls access to the User Accounts and First Menu Name commands. It also prevents users who are not supervisors from saving schemes to the Scheme file. 9.05 Allow Exit to DOS? With this field set to 'N', the user will not be allowed to exit to DOS. Instead, they will be returned to the log-on screen where an user with higher access privileges can log-off and exit to DOS, or someone else can log-on and start working. 9.06 Allow Editing? With this field set to 'N', the user will not be allowed to alter the menu; the menu commands add, edit, copy, delete, move and window will be inaccessible. 9.10 Delete User Confirm that you really do wish to delete this user. Press [Y] to confirm deletion, or press [N] or [Esc] to cancel. 9.11 Delete User You are not allowed to delete the user record that you are logged in as. 9.12 No Supervisor Account Launch requires that there be at least one supervisor account. It may be that you have accidentally removed your own supervisor status. You must set up at least one user (usually yourself) as the supervisor. 9.13 Duplicate User ID No two users are allowed to have the same User ID. You must choose a unique ID for each user. #10 10.00 Registration This screen is where you enter the details we require to get a copy of Launch to you. You can get a hard copy of this information by printing to LPT1, or by printing it to a file and then using DOS or another program to print that file. Launch comes with both 3.5" and 5.25" diskettes. Networks/Bulk orders Bulk orders or network/file server/site/company licences are available directly from Crystal Software. Bulk orders are multiple single-user versions, each with a set of disks and user's guide. Licences come with a set of disks and a user's guide, additional guides are available for an extra charge. 10.03 Print to: To determine where the order form is sent when printed, enter one of the following in the "Print to" field: LPT1 printer 1 LPT2 printer 2 COM1 serial port 1 COM2 serial port 2 COM3 serial port 3 COM4 serial port 4 filename.extsaves the order in the file filename.ext (usually ORDER.TXT). This can be used to email the order directly, or allow it to be faxed. Send your order (don't forget to fill out the "comments" section!) to the address below: Crystal Software 14 Canterbury Road Heathmont Victoria 3135 AUSTRALIA Phone/fax: (03) 720 8558 (03) 9720 8558 after May 1995 Email: simonc@bruce.cs.monash.edu.au Payment - Australia Australian customers can send a cheque, bank draft or postal money order (prepaid) to Crystal Software. Payment - Overseas Please add an additional $AUS 10 to cover postage, packing and custom charges. The preferred method is a bank draft payable in Australian dollars to Crystal Software. This is available from any bank, and usually costs between $5 and $10. An alternative to this is a cheque drawn on an Australian bank (cheques drawn on foreign banks take 6 weeks (!) to clear). Remit all cheques/money orders to Crystal Software. 10.10 Welcome to Launch! Launch is shareware and may be used free of charge for a limited trial period (30 days). If you find Launch useful and intend to continue using it, you must register it. Registration entitles you to: - the latest version of Launch (smaller+faster) - a first-rate, laser printed manual - extra features and additional programs - removal of reminder notices (such as this) You will: - not be breaking the law - have a clear conscience - be supporting Australian software - ensure continued development of Launch #11 11.17 Register This command allows you to enter your details to register Launch, and send a registration/order form to a printer or a file. 11.08 Information This command displays general information about the operation of Launch and statistics about your system. 11.15 Preferences This command allows you to customise various features to your preference, such as the date and time format, mouse configuration, screen save time-out, exit short cut, header line, password etc 11.18 Scheme The Scheme command allows you to modify the colours and textures in which the menu is presented. 11.00 Add Item Add allows you to create new items: options, menus, dividers and links. Add can be invoked by pressing [Insert] when the Command menu is not displayed. 11.04 Edit Item Edit allows you to edit an existing option, divider, menu or link. Position the cursor bar over the item you wish to edit, and then invoke edit by pressing [F9]. Alternatively, by selecting edit from the Command menu, Launch allows you to select the item that you wish to edit. This enables you to edit the text of divider bars. 11.12 Move Item This option allows you to move an item to anywhere else in the menu structure. Position the cursor bar over the item you wish to move, and then invoke Move through the Command menu. Move works equally well on options, menus or links, and can even move items across linked structures. 11.02 Copy Item Copy duplicates the item under the cursor bar. With it you can duplicate entire menus, links or just options. Invoke Copy after positioning the cursor bar over the item you wish to copy. 11.03 Delete Item Delete allows you to remove any menu item. Delete can be invoked by pressing [Delete] when the Command menu is not shown. 11.22 Move Window This command allows you to reposition a menu window anywhere on the screen. Invoke Move Window when the window that you want to reposition is active. 11.20 User Accounts User Accounts allows you to change information about the users known to the Launch. 11.05 First Menu Name This command allows you to change the name and short cut of the first menu that appears on the desktop. 11.88 Exit This command is used to leave Launch. If an exit short cut is defined (it is displayed beside Exit in the Command menu) it may also be pressed to leave Launch. #12 12.00 Save Settings? You have changed scheme or preference settings, and have not yet saved them. If you exit without saving, the changes you have made will be lost. 12.01 Confirm Exit Do you really wish to exit? [Y] Exit - leave Launch [N] Cancel - don't exit [L] Log-in - return to log-in screen 12.02 Verify The option about to execute may have some harmful side-effects, or it may take considerable time to perform its task. If you are sure that you wish to continue and execute this option, press [Y]es. [Esc] or [N]o cancels execution of the option. 12.03 Parameters This window is provided so that you can enter and/or edit the parameters (also know as arguments) that will be passed to this option when it is executed. Use the usual editing keys to enter the parameters, then press [Enter]. [Esc] cancels execution of the option. 12.04 Short Cut Reserved Launch reserves some keys for its own exclusive use. Choose another short cut. 12.05 Short Cut Used A menu item has already been assigned the short cut that you have pressed. Duplicate short cuts are allowed but are not recommended. 12.06 Environment Space Launch uses a small amount of environment space to store information. Try minimising your path statement, or increasing the amount of environment space available (see your Launch manual). 12.07 Create Structure You are attempting to link a structure that doesn't exist. If you wish, Launch can create a new structure from scratch for you. If you wish it to do this, press [Y]es. If you have entered the link path or link number incorrectly, press [N]o or [Esc]. 12.08 Exit Short Cut The short cut that you have pressed has already been assigned as your exit short cut. You must choose another short cut key for this item. 12.09 Short Cut Used A menu item that you do not have the authority to access has already been assigned the short cut that you have pressed. You must choose another short cut for the item. 12.10 Hot Key Used By Hidden Item The hot key that you have given this item has already been used by an item that you do not have the authority to access (a hidden item). You must choose another hot key for this item. 12.11 Hot Key Used The hot key that you have given this item has already been used by another item. You can use duplicate hot keys, but be aware that only the first item found with a matching hot key will be run. By pressing [C] or [Esc], you can return to editing and modify the hot key, or by pressing [F2], you can choose to use the duplicate hot key. #13 13.00 Item Password Enter the password to access this item. If the password you type is incorrect, access will be denied. The supervisor may choose to bypass entering the password by pressing [F9]. This enables them to delete items that they have forgotten the password of, and access items given a password by other people. 13.01 Structure Already Linked The structure that you are trying to link has already been linked elsewhere, and another link would be redundant. 13.02 Error Creating Directory Launch was unable to create the specified directory. The drive you specified may not exist, or the disk may be full. 13.03 Unable to locate User This error should only occur on a network. It occurs when the supervisor removes a user while that user is still using Launch - Launch cannot find the information in order to update it. 13.04 Undefined Option The option that you have tried to execute has not yet been edited to tell Launch how to execute it. Rectify this by editing the option in question. 13.05 Contains higher authorities The menu that you tried to delete/move/copy contains hidden items with an authority level greater than your own, and you are therefore refused permission to perform an action that affects those items. 13.06 Insufficient free memory There is not enough memory available to run the text editor. If you are not using Launch's editor BEDIT.EXE, try using it, since it is fairly small. Otherwise, try using a smaller editor, or free up some memory by unloading TSRs etc. 13.07 Unable to rename file Launch was unable to rename the specified file. This could be becuase the file is marked read only, or because a file of the new name already exists (this can only happen if that file is read only also- it could not be deleted). 13.08 Unable to delete file Launch was unable to delete the specified file. This is usually because the file is marked read only. 13.09 Incorrect password Your attempt to access/edit/move/copy/delete this item has been denied because you do not know its correct password. 13.10 No visible items The menu/link that you are trying to access has no items in it that are visible to you. Under normal circumstances the menu item itself should not be visible to you either, however this is at the discretion of the supervisor. #14 14.00 Used Short Cuts This window shows a list of all the short cuts, and whether they have been used or not. An unused short cut has nothing printed on its right, otherwise it has the name of the item (the menu, option or link) which uses it. A duplicate short cut will have multiple items listed after it. Duplicate short cuts can be easily located by looking for a blank entry in the left hand column. The exit short cut, if specified, has the words EXIT SHORT CUT on its right. Items that you do not have the authority to see are listed as -- HIDDEN ITEM --. Use [Up], [Down], [Pg Up], [Pg Dn], [Home] and [End] to move through the list. You may select a short cut by pressing [Enter] while it is highlighted. Pressing [Escape] returns to the previous window. #16 16.00 Expecting more option information This only happens on the rare occasion that Launch cannot read the option information, usually due to a disk error. 16.01 Expecting VERIFY or VARIABLE or ] Launch allows two special commands, VERIFY and VARIABLE. The command section is not allowed to contain anything but these, and is terminated by a right square bracket ]. 16.02 Expecting opening ( The VARIABLE command must be followed by an open parentheses ( eg variable(drive[1]="C","Enter drive to copy to:") ^ 16.03 Expecting variable name The only non-optional part of a VARIABLE command is the name of the variable being created eg variable(drive[1]="C","Enter drive to copy to:") ^ 16.04 Expecting [ or =" or ," or ) After the variable name, a VARIABLE command can specify: - an optional maximum length for the variable (if it is a string field) enclosed in square brackets [] eg variable(drive[1]="C","Copy to drive:") ^ - an optional initial value or the text of a list of buttons prefixed with an equals sign = eg variable(drive="C","Copy to drive:") ^ - the optional text of a prompt to display to the user, enclosed in double quotes " and prefixed with a comma eg variable(drive,"Copy to drive:") ^ - the end of the VARIABLE command, with a close bracket ) eg variable(drive) ^ 16.05 Value of Maximum Length Launch is expecting the (decimal) value of the string field's maximum length, a number between 1 and 63 eg variable(drive[1]="C","Copy to drive:") ^ 16.06 Closing ] of Maximum Length After the value of the maximum length, Launch expects a closing square bracket ]. variable(drive[1]="C","Copy to drive:") ^ 16.07 Expecting =" or ," or ) After the maximum length, a VARIABLE command can specify: - an optional initial value or the text of a list of buttons prefixed with an equals sign = eg variable(drive[1]="C","Copy to drive:") ^ - the optional text of a prompt to display to the user, enclosed in double quotes " and prefixed with a comma eg variable(drive[1],"Copy to drive:") ^ - the end of the VARIABLE command, with a close bracket ) eg variable(drive[1]) ^ 16.08 Expecting " of Initial Value After its preceding equals sign =, Launch expects the opening quote " of a variable's initial string value or the opening quote " of the first button's text in a list of buttons eg variable(drive="C","Copy to drive:") ^ variable(drive=" A: "+" B: "+" C: " etc ^ 16.09 Expecting + or ," or ) After the variable's initial string value or its first button's text, Launch expects - the plus sign + indicating a list of buttons, optionally followed by additional strings separated by plus signs defining additional buttons eg variable(format="360k"+"1.2M"+"720k"+"1.44M" ^ - the optional text of a prompt to display to the user, enclosed in double quotes " and prefixed with a comma eg variable(drive="A","Copy to drive:") ^ - the end of the VARIABLE command, with a close bracket ) eg variable(drive="C") ^ 16.10 Expecting " or ," or ) After the plus sign + indicating a button or list of buttons, Launch expects - a double quote " commencing the next string in a list of buttons eg variable(drive=" A: "+" B: "+" C: "... ^ - the optional text of a prompt to display to the user, enclosed in double quotes " and prefixed with a comma eg variable(drive=" A: "+,"Copy to drive:") ^ - the end of the VARIABLE command, with a close bracket ) eg variable(drive=" A: "+) ^ 16.12 Expecting opening " of Prompt Launch expects the text of the prompt to be displayed to the user after a comma eg variable(drive="A"+"B"+,"Copy to drive:") ^ 16.13 Expecting closing ) Launch expects a close parentheses indicating the end of the VARIABLE command eg variable(drive="A","Copy to drive:") ^ 16.20 Expecting opening ( The VERIFY command must be followed by an open parentheses (, even if the parentheses contain nothing eg verify() ^ 16.21 Expecting prompt " or ) The VERIFY command may optionally specify a user prompt (information to be displayed for the user's benefit). Launch expects either a string or a close parentheses eg verify() ^ verify("Really format hard disk?!") ^ 16.22 Expecting ) After the user prompt, the VERIFY command must be finished with a close parentheses eg verify("Really format hard disk?!") ^ 16.30 Expecting .. A single period "." has been found without another following it. The only time Launch expects a period is with the range symbol "..", used to extract part of a string eg %current_dir[3..17] ^ 16.31 String exceeds line Launch was expecting a string, but a double quote " was not found before the end of the line. Strings may not exceed one line. 16.32 Expecting variable name Launch has found a percent sign % in the command section (enclosed in [ and ] ), and is expecting it to be followed by a variable name eg %current_dir ^ 16.33 Expecting variable name or %x symbol Launch has found a percent sign % in the normal batch section, and is expecting it to be followed either by a variable name (eg %current_dir ) or by those symbols normally allowed by DOS, namely, %0 - %9 and %%0 - %%9. Launch also accepts the 4DOS extensions to symbols normally allowed by DOS - %0 - %127, %# %0& - %127&, %& %_variable eg %_COLUMNS %@function eg %@DISKFREE[d:,k] 16.35 Expecting % or [ Launch has read the variable name, and is now expecting either a percent sign % or white space indicating the end, or a left square bracket [ to extract a substring of the variable eg %current_dir% or %current_dir ^ ^ %current_dir[3] ^ 16.36 Expecting start digits Launch has found the left square bracket [, and is now expecting digits indicating the start index of the sub-string to extract eg %current_dir[7..8] ^ 16.37 Expecting .. or ] Launch is expecting a range .. to indicate a range of the sub-string, or a right square bracket indicating a single character of the variable eg %current_dir[3..17] ^ %current_dir[23] ^ 16.38 Expecting end digits or ] Launch has found a range , it expects this to be followed by an end index or by a right square bracket to indicate the remainder of the string eg %current_dir[3..17] ^ %current_dir[3..] ^ 16.39 Expecting ] Launch is expecting a right square bracket ] to end the sub-string expression eg %current_dir[3..17] ^ %current_dir[5..] ^ 16.40 Expecting % Launch is expecting a percent sign % or white space to end the variable sub-string expression eg %current_dir[3..17] ^ %current_dir[5..]% ^ 16.41 Unknown name The variable name given in the command section has not been previously declared. Check to make sure you have spelt the name correctly. 16.45 Expecting batch section Launch expects the command section to be followed by a normal DOS batch file. #17 17.00 History The history records fifty of the strings that you have previously entered in response to the execution of a command. You can select an item by highlighting it and pressing [Enter], this string will then be copied to the parameters window where you may then edit it. Use [Up], [Down], [Home], [End], [Pg Up] and [Pg Dn] to move through the history list. You may delete old entries by highlighting them and pressing [Delete]. The history list will not appear if there are no history entries. #18 18.00 LAUNCH.INI not found Launch could not find its configuration file LAUNCH.INI in the specified directory. Launch expects this file to be in the same directory as LMENU.EXE, unless it is passed a command-line parameter giving it another directory for LAUNCH.INI. Launch will attempt to continue with standard defaults, which usually will allow it to run. 18.01 Only one parameter... Launch's main program, LMENU.EXE, only accepts one parameter- the directory where LAUNCH.INI can be found. This allows you to have a number of different configurations stored in different directories. 18.02 Unknown LAUNCH.INI directive The directives allowed in the configuration file LAUNCH.INI are as follows: LogFile=logfilename OnNetwork=[True | False] PrevShellEnvStr=environment string PrimaryStructure=[pathname][\number] ReStartInfoEnvStr=environment string ScreenSaver=command TemporaryBatchFile=pathname.BAT TextEditor=text editor UserToLogin=user ID VideoMode=[Detect | VGA | MCGA | EGA | CGA] The directive names must begin in the first column, and be immediately followed by an equals sign =. Remember that comments can be included by beginning a line with a semi colon ;. 18.03 Badly structured environment string Although LAUNCH.INI allows environment variables to be used, they must be in standard DOS form- enclosed in percent signs with no spaces between the percent signs and the name of the environment variable eg. UserToLogin=%USER% NOT UserToLogin= % USER% 18.04 No /Z parameter Launch requires the command-line parameter /Z in order to run. This tells Launch that it is being run from Launch's special batch file (usually LAUNCH.BAT or M.BAT). Launch will not run correctly if it is run from the DOS prompt directly by typing LMENU. When an option is chosen, Launch will simply return to the DOS prompt and nothing will happen. This is where the batch file LAUNCH.BAT would normally take over by running the temporary batch file $TEMP.BAT. If you need to run Launch without its special batch file LAUNCH.BAT, just type lmenu /z at the DOS prompt. #